dracula is the one who always got ass!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Las mujeres de mediana edad con una sexualidad satisfactoria tienen mejor calidad de vida, según sugiere un estudio de la Universidad de Monash en Australia que se publica en la revista The Journal of Sexual Medicine. Los resultados del trabajo muestran que las mujeres que están a punto de pasar la menopausia o que ya la han pasado y que dicen sentirse sexualmente satisfechas disfrutan de un mayor bienestar psicológico global y vitalidad en comparación con las no satisfechas.
El estudio, en el que participaron 295 mujeres sexualmente activas durante un periodo superior a dos meses, se publica en la revista The Journal of Sexual Medicine. Los científicos también descubrieron una asociación positiva entre la edad y la calidad de vida pero una asociación negativa en lo que se refería a la salud en general. Los problemas más comunes en el área del consenso sexual se asociaban con el deseo y el interés sexual, el placer y la satisfacción y para la mayoría de mujeres estos aspectos eran parte de la experiencia sexual global.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Shopping for the Cure
Shopping for the Cure
Susan G. Komen for the Cure Central Florida and
Orlando Premium Outlets present

Shopping for the Cure on Thursday, October 15, 2009, 12-6pm
Register with your donation of $10 at the Pavilion for a rewarding day of shopping including:
VIP tote bag filled with savings and goodies
Free refreshments
VIP Shopper Club membership
Chance to win hundreds of dollars worth of prizes from designer brand outlets Susan G Komen bracelet
All proceeds from event will be donated to the Central Florida Affiliate of Susan G Komen for the Cure.
Orlando Premium Outlets is located at 8200 Vineland Avenue, Orlando, FL 32821, (407) 238-7787
Susan G. Komen for the Cure Central Florida and
Orlando Premium Outlets present

Shopping for the Cure on Thursday, October 15, 2009, 12-6pm
Register with your donation of $10 at the Pavilion for a rewarding day of shopping including:
VIP tote bag filled with savings and goodies
Free refreshments
VIP Shopper Club membership
Chance to win hundreds of dollars worth of prizes from designer brand outlets Susan G Komen bracelet
All proceeds from event will be donated to the Central Florida Affiliate of Susan G Komen for the Cure.
Orlando Premium Outlets is located at 8200 Vineland Avenue, Orlando, FL 32821, (407) 238-7787
Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Halloween pics part 2 or 1? still not sure at this point

Hola! As you all can see I'm more than ready for my favorite holiday of the year HALLOWEEN!!!! This past week I released the behind the scenes from my creepy sort of freaky shoot from the cemetery that I shot with Tanner. Now, I just did another one for www.mega981.com with Ray Villalobos who I must say has come a long way with his photos! http://www.flickr.com/photos/planetoftheweb we did a not so scary halloween theme and it turned out cool! Who would of thought that my wal-mart shirt would look so expensive? When I envisioned the pics I knew that I wanted to look friendly and that the wardrobe would be the shining star here! so here goes the outcome!Thanks Mercedes for helping!!!!!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Tengo mi bebe cuando se mejoren las cosas?????

Ha! Es curioso leer este articulo cuando en ocasiones he dicho lo mismo. It's scary to have such a responsibility during these times. Por lo visto no soy la unica que piensa asi!
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Las preocupaciones acerca de la economía han llevado a muchas mujeres estadounidenses a pensar dos veces acerca de tener un bebé, mostró el miércoles un sondeo, con casi la mitad de las encuestadas diciendo que quieren postergar la maternidad o limitar la cifra de hijos que tienen.
Al mismo tiempo, muchas mujeres dijeron que estaban escatimando el uso de métodos anticonceptivos, que estaban eligiendo alguno más barato o que directamente no estaban usando ninguno, como un modo de ahorrar dinero, según el estudio de los investigadores del Instituto Alan Guttmacher, una agrupación sin fines de lucro que analiza temas de salud sexual y reproductiva.
"La recesión ha puesto a muchas mujeres -incluyendo a mujeres de clase media que están experimentando problemas para llegar a fin de mes- en una situación insostenible", dijo la doctora Sharon Camp, directora y presidenta ejecutiva del instituto, en un comunicado.
"Quieren evitar el embarazo no deseado más que nunca, pero al mismo tiempo tienen problemas para pagar los costos en efectivo de los métodos anticonceptivos de prescripción", afirmó.
La muestra representativa a nivel nacional, recogida en base a un sondeo realizado en julio y agosto entre casi 1.000 mujeres sexualmente activas de clase media y baja, descubrió que una de cuatro mujeres había pospuesto una visita al ginecólogo el año pasado para ahorrar dinero.
Y la misma cifra dijo que estaba teniendo más problemas para pagar los métodos anticonceptivos.
Camp dijo que aunque postergar una renovación de la prescripción o no tomarse las pastillas le podría ahorrar dinero a las mujeres en el corto plazo, aumenta el riesgo de un embarazo no deseado, y posiblemente una nacimiento no planeado o aborto posteriormente.
(Reporte de Julie Steenhuysen)
Te regalo ese jugo de manzana anyday LOL
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Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Entrevista con Kany Garcia

Hoy tuve la oportunidad de entrevistar a la cantautora Boricua Kany Garcia. How fun! La verdad es que Kany es una artista super sencilla y sobre todo talentosa. Se tomo su tiempo y hasta presento un par de canciones en mi programa de las 12 "Pega 2". It was GIRLPOWER to the fullest! I heart Kany and yes soy "Feliz"
Tu entierro!
A very symbolic photo shoot for me! I pretty much burried all the BAD things in my life that day. Thanks Tanner for helping me with the dirt LOL
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Hair accesories gone wild!

Me encanta, me encanta wearing stuff on my hair!!! People always ask me where do I get my accesories so here is a link to a place you can find most of the things you may see me with!

Holy crap!! She must feel so stupid
Check out this 56 yr old declare her virginity! Wrong place wrong time!!! LMAO
Lips, Labios
OMG this is not too far from the truth!
Tus Labios pueden revelar como seras de pareja de acuerdo a Barbara Roberts quien se dedica a leer las personas de acuerdo a su cara. En su libro "Face Reading: How To Know Anyone At A Glance" ella dice que determinar como sera tu pareja en la intimidad esta en sus labios por ejemplo; una persona con los labios finos es mas de negocios y le encanta hablar sobre el trabajo durante la cita. Alguien con los labios como el presidente Obama o Julia Roberts es casi siempre un amante generoso.

Lips Expose Lovers
SAN DIEGO (Wireless Flash) – A person’s lips can reveal how they’ll behave in a romantic relationship.
According to renowned face reader Barbara Roberts, author of Face Reading: How To Know Anyone At A Glance (Roberts), one’s “intimacy quotient” – how intimate they are in romances – could be determined by the size and shape of their lips.
For instance, a person with thin lips is often “business- like and terse,” and loves talking about work on a date.
Roberts says someone with a wide and full mouth, like President Barack Obama or Julia Roberts, is typically a very generous partner.
Someone with a narrow upper lip and full lower lip is trustworthy and someone with a tiny, tight mouth like Donald Trump can be self-absorbed.
Though lips are a telling feature, Roberts notes that it’s always important to look at someone’s entire face to read who they really are.
Tus Labios pueden revelar como seras de pareja de acuerdo a Barbara Roberts quien se dedica a leer las personas de acuerdo a su cara. En su libro "Face Reading: How To Know Anyone At A Glance" ella dice que determinar como sera tu pareja en la intimidad esta en sus labios por ejemplo; una persona con los labios finos es mas de negocios y le encanta hablar sobre el trabajo durante la cita. Alguien con los labios como el presidente Obama o Julia Roberts es casi siempre un amante generoso.

Lips Expose Lovers
SAN DIEGO (Wireless Flash) – A person’s lips can reveal how they’ll behave in a romantic relationship.
According to renowned face reader Barbara Roberts, author of Face Reading: How To Know Anyone At A Glance (Roberts), one’s “intimacy quotient” – how intimate they are in romances – could be determined by the size and shape of their lips.
For instance, a person with thin lips is often “business- like and terse,” and loves talking about work on a date.
Roberts says someone with a wide and full mouth, like President Barack Obama or Julia Roberts, is typically a very generous partner.
Someone with a narrow upper lip and full lower lip is trustworthy and someone with a tiny, tight mouth like Donald Trump can be self-absorbed.
Though lips are a telling feature, Roberts notes that it’s always important to look at someone’s entire face to read who they really are.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Jay Sean - "Down" feat. Lil Wayne - OFFICIAL VIDEO
This is my favorite song right now!!! He is sooooo cute and he can sing too!!!! Ay Papi
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Juanes,Olga,Danny Rivera
Juanes thrills the crowd in La Habana, Cuba. During his performance he explained that the message of the "Paz sin Fronteras" concert is love. With all of his songs he captivated the cubans that gathered together at the Plaza de la Revolucion in La Habana. A total of 1 million 150 thousand people gather for the "Paz sin Fronteras" concert in the island.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Boricuas se apoderan de DC
Look how cute my Boricuas are bringing flavor to politics! Ya era tiempo coño!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
I drive bad but......
I admit it. I'm a bad driver. I park bad-reverse bad and have crashed into every tree in my moms house but a recent study claims that women are better drivers than men!
pesar del mito que dice que los hombres son mejores conductores, una serie de estudios revela que las mujeres son más prudentes y precavidas en su modo de conducir; ¿qué opina de esta situación?; ¿cuáles son las características del género masculino cuando está al volante?; ¿y del femenino?
pesar del mito que dice que los hombres son mejores conductores, una serie de estudios revela que las mujeres son más prudentes y precavidas en su modo de conducir; ¿qué opina de esta situación?; ¿cuáles son las características del género masculino cuando está al volante?; ¿y del femenino?
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Jennifer Lopez and Pitbull hook up!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Have you guys seen Rihanna lately? She's most def rockin the madonna 80's veil look. I personally love it but must admit it isn't for everyone. I guess you have to be to some degree flamboyant enough to get away with it. In my case F-it I just go for the kill. Those of you wondering where I purchase mine it's usually when I go to NYC or in Forever 21

Forever 21 also launched back in july a circus like line called "twist" AGAIN...I like I like mucho!!!
Forever 21 lanzo un linea de ropa en julio que lleva por nombre "twist" inspirada totalmente en el circo. Me encanta!!!

Forever 21 also launched back in july a circus like line called "twist" AGAIN...I like I like mucho!!!
Leopard Mesh Skirt
Plaid Lace Tiered Skirt
I heart this dress! Me encanta este vestido!

Tulle Skirted Striped Dress
Forever 21 always has the cutes dresses and as a fan of tu tu's I couldn't help but show you guys this one! It's almost ballerina like and while in NYC it's a all I was seeing.
Forever 21 siempre tiene los vestidos mas chulos y como fanatica de "tu-tu's" tenia que mostrarles este al estilo bailarina. Mientras estuve en NY este era el trend que mas se veia!
MEN lie twice as much as women.

Well, well no big surprise here! They didn't need to do a study on that because I could have told you that LOL!!!
Un reciente estudio indica que los hombre mienten un promedio de 6 veces por dia mientras que nosotras solo 3! Osea el doble y eso no es contando los paqueteros bien grandes. Diosito que mucho de esos yo conosco!
La mentira mas comun entre ambos sexos " Nada pasa, estoy bien"

Researchers found men tell six fibs a day on average, but women come out with just three.
The study of 2000 Britons also revealed that the most common lie told by both sexes was: "Nothing's wrong, I'm fine."
While men are likely to fib about having their last pint and claiming their partner's behind doesn't look too big, women avoid telling the truth about their latest shopping purchases.
Eighty-three per cent of adults of both sexes said they could easily tell if their partner was lying.
But body language expert Richard Newman said most people couldn't read the signals.
"They assume that if someone is hiding the truth, they would hide their face and avoid eye contact. In fact, the opposite is true," he said.
"Liars usually do everything they can to convince you of the truth, sitting still and looking at you to watch your reaction."
Genes blamed for early first sex
Interesting little study we have here. I guess it makes sense when people say "salio a la mai" lol. Personally, I lost my virginity at 20, 3 months till 21 to be exact! Neither one of my parents waited that long so I guess it all depends!

The fact that children raised in homes without a dad have sex earlier is down to their genes, say US researchers.
The study tested for genetic influences as well as factors such as poverty, educational opportunities and religion.
The more genes the children shared, the more similar their ages of first intercourse regardless of whether they had an absent father or not.
A spokesman for the charity, Brook, said children needed early education to help them make informed choices.

The fact that children raised in homes without a dad have sex earlier is down to their genes, say US researchers.
The study tested for genetic influences as well as factors such as poverty, educational opportunities and religion.
The more genes the children shared, the more similar their ages of first intercourse regardless of whether they had an absent father or not.
A spokesman for the charity, Brook, said children needed early education to help them make informed choices.
single men feeling powerful women
Date.com Poll: 95.5% of Single Men Feel Powerful, Career Oriented Women are Better...
MIAMI BEACH, Fla., Sept. 15 /PRNewswire/ -- While Sarah Palin hit the campaign
trail as the Republican Vice President nominee, her husband Todd grabbed a
burp cloth and took on the role of Mr. Mom. When Angelina Jolie had to report
to the set of her latest film, it was Brad Pitt who was seen shuttling their
brood of six to and from play dates. Jerry O'Connell, Ben Affleck and even
Keith Urban have all put their careers on the back burner so that their wives,
Rebecca Romijn, Jennifer Garner and Nicole Kidman, could star in big budget,
multi-million dollar TV and movie productions. More and more of today's women
are climbing the corporate ladder and holding positions of power, while their
husbands pick up the slack on the home front. But how does the shifting of
gender roles affect a couples' relationship?
According to Hollywood, it leads to divorce, as evidenced by ABC's hit drama
Brothers & Sisters where leading characters Sarah Walker, the President of
Ojai Foods and former CEO of Greenotopia, split with her husband Joe Whedon,
whose profession as a music teacher was deemed unglamorous and low-paying.
With more and more women becoming CEO's and raking in six figured salaries,
and with more than 2 million stay at home Dad's in the United States, Date.com
(http://www.date.com), Matchmaker.com (http://www.matchmaker.com), and
Amor.com (http://www.amor.com), decided to poll its members to see how they
felt about marriage and gender roles.
The results were overwhelming, with 88.9% of men preferring to be in a
relationship with a corporate ladder climber who could significantly
contribute financially to the family. Meanwhile, 85.7% would be proud to be
married to a woman who was more successful then them, both in stature and
financially. Amazingly, women would much prefer to take a supporting role when
it comes to bringing money into the household. 85.8% would only work because
they don't believe a family can survive on one salary. A whopping 90.3% were
also concerned that their male partner couldn't handle it emotionally if they
were the ones to bring home the bacon.
In a new survey of thousands of male online daters nationwide, conducted in
the months of July and August 2009, we asked: Women today have it all -
they're driven, career oriented and successful at work while juggling their
responsibilities as wives and Mothers. When thinking about settling down,
getting married and starting a family, who would you rather marry, the
corporate ladder climber or a stay at home Mom?
Following are the complete results:
Corporate Ladder Climber: 88.9%
Stay at home Mom: 14.3%
We asked our male members the following: Who do you think is better in bed,
the corporate ladder climber or a stay at home Mom?
Following are the complete results:
Corporate Ladder Climber, because she's much more excited with her work and
that translates in bed: 95.5%
MIAMI BEACH, Fla., Sept. 15 /PRNewswire/ -- While Sarah Palin hit the campaign
trail as the Republican Vice President nominee, her husband Todd grabbed a
burp cloth and took on the role of Mr. Mom. When Angelina Jolie had to report
to the set of her latest film, it was Brad Pitt who was seen shuttling their
brood of six to and from play dates. Jerry O'Connell, Ben Affleck and even
Keith Urban have all put their careers on the back burner so that their wives,
Rebecca Romijn, Jennifer Garner and Nicole Kidman, could star in big budget,
multi-million dollar TV and movie productions. More and more of today's women
are climbing the corporate ladder and holding positions of power, while their
husbands pick up the slack on the home front. But how does the shifting of
gender roles affect a couples' relationship?
According to Hollywood, it leads to divorce, as evidenced by ABC's hit drama
Brothers & Sisters where leading characters Sarah Walker, the President of
Ojai Foods and former CEO of Greenotopia, split with her husband Joe Whedon,
whose profession as a music teacher was deemed unglamorous and low-paying.
With more and more women becoming CEO's and raking in six figured salaries,
and with more than 2 million stay at home Dad's in the United States, Date.com
(http://www.date.com), Matchmaker.com (http://www.matchmaker.com), and
Amor.com (http://www.amor.com), decided to poll its members to see how they
felt about marriage and gender roles.
The results were overwhelming, with 88.9% of men preferring to be in a
relationship with a corporate ladder climber who could significantly
contribute financially to the family. Meanwhile, 85.7% would be proud to be
married to a woman who was more successful then them, both in stature and
financially. Amazingly, women would much prefer to take a supporting role when
it comes to bringing money into the household. 85.8% would only work because
they don't believe a family can survive on one salary. A whopping 90.3% were
also concerned that their male partner couldn't handle it emotionally if they
were the ones to bring home the bacon.
In a new survey of thousands of male online daters nationwide, conducted in
the months of July and August 2009, we asked: Women today have it all -
they're driven, career oriented and successful at work while juggling their
responsibilities as wives and Mothers. When thinking about settling down,
getting married and starting a family, who would you rather marry, the
corporate ladder climber or a stay at home Mom?
Following are the complete results:
Corporate Ladder Climber: 88.9%
Stay at home Mom: 14.3%
We asked our male members the following: Who do you think is better in bed,
the corporate ladder climber or a stay at home Mom?
Following are the complete results:
Corporate Ladder Climber, because she's much more excited with her work and
that translates in bed: 95.5%
Monday, September 14, 2009
siete minutos es tiempo suficiente para tener una relación sexual magnífica.

La investigación, publicada en el Journal of Sexual Medicine, mostró que para tener buen sexo bastan entre 3 y 7 minutos. La mayoría de los participantes, tanto hombres como mujeres, estuvieron de acuerdo en que un buen encuentro sexual ni siquiera tiene que superar los 10 minutos.
Contrariamente a las maratónicas sesiones de sexo que muestran el cine y algunas series de televisión, la realidad es que, bajo las sábanas de las camas de las personas de carne y hueso se cocina un caldo diferente, bastante más rápido.
Kanye West Interrupts Taylor Swift's Speech VMAs 2009
I never have an issue with people speaking their mind but only on their time! What Kanye did was horrible
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Secret to a happy marriage
Dr. Neil Stanley, a sleep researcher at Surrey University in the U.K., says sleeping in separate beds helps couples escape arguments, and ensures a proper night's rest.
If a husband or wife snores, twin beds might not be an option either, and they should sleep in separate bedrooms, Dr. Stanley says -- a practice that was quite common before the Victorian era.
And he practices what he preaches: Dr. Stanley and his wife sleep in separate bedrooms.
Okaaaaaaaaaay! This works if you plan on staying with someone you despise lol
If a husband or wife snores, twin beds might not be an option either, and they should sleep in separate bedrooms, Dr. Stanley says -- a practice that was quite common before the Victorian era.
And he practices what he preaches: Dr. Stanley and his wife sleep in separate bedrooms.
Okaaaaaaaaaay! This works if you plan on staying with someone you despise lol
9 11
YMCA Teen Achievers
Allowing me to be a part of this is so touching to me. Coming straight from the ghetto I know first hand what it's like to feel like there isn't a way out. When Cristal from the YMCA invited me to mentor and inspire young Latinos of this community I didn't give it a second thought. It only takes ONE person to believe in you to make a difference! Come out this Saturday with your kids!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
12:00pM – 3:00PM
Engelwood Neighborhood Center
6123 La Costa Drive, Orlando, FL 32807

The purpose of the YMCA Achievers programs is to assist Black, Hispanic and other youth and teens in preparing, pursuing and achieving post-secondary education and career goals of their choice.
YMCA Achiever programs help youth and teens raise their academic standards, develop a positive sense of self, build character, explore diverse college and career options, and meet and interact with professionals of color who serve as role models to inspire them to greater heights.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
12:00pM – 3:00PM
Engelwood Neighborhood Center
6123 La Costa Drive, Orlando, FL 32807

The purpose of the YMCA Achievers programs is to assist Black, Hispanic and other youth and teens in preparing, pursuing and achieving post-secondary education and career goals of their choice.
YMCA Achiever programs help youth and teens raise their academic standards, develop a positive sense of self, build character, explore diverse college and career options, and meet and interact with professionals of color who serve as role models to inspire them to greater heights.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Jennifer Lopez vs Rosie Perez ding ding ding

Ohhh it's going to get ugly and I love it! Most of us know how Jenny from the block isn't Rosie "I'm nu yurk" best friend. As a matter of fact they hated each other when they worked on in living color. With that said, both are trying to own the rights to a Sonia Sotomayor movie. Uy Uy Uy I see fake nails, brass ring and extensions all over the floor! Love Jenn but I think Rosie may give her an upper cut!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Scared by default

Un nuevo estudio realizado en EE UU sugiere que las mujeres tienen una aversión genética hacia los animales e insectos peligrosos, como las arañas.
La investigación, cuyos resultados se publicaron en la revista New Scientist, indica que las mujeres nacen con ciertas características en su carácter que se arraigaron en la etapa de cazadores de nuestros ancestros
Como protectoras de sus hijos, tenían que ahuyentar a los animales que los asustaban, dicen los investigadores.

Ricky Martin se encuentra cien por ciento involucrado en la preparación de su próximo disco, para el cual ha dado varios adelantos, entre ellos que podría ver la luz en la primavera del 2010. Sin embargo, aunque poco se sabe de este nuevo álbum en el que el boricua trabaja, una página de Internet mencionó que al astro también le gustaría trabajar con Shakira, Paulina Rubio y Dulce María en un futuro.
Staying Positive

I found this little poster online and it reminded me of when I have someone in my life who is having a tough time I always ask them "Are you still breathing? Okay, then there's hope". Staying positive is tough, no one ever said it was easy. One year ago my mother was in the hospital and honestly I thought to myself this is it but it's funny how a couple of words of the person least expected put things in perspective. I was praying at the chapel that's in the hospital crying and I remember Ana (our promotions director from Mega) telling me mija just pray that God does what has to be done and give you the strenght to face it. That's when it clicked. The only thing I could hold on to that I could personally control was HOPE! Everything else was out of my hands. That's why if you feel like everything is going south in your life don't ever lose hope or faith. Somehow things have to get better -declare it!
Back from Vacation!

Hola! Today I get back to my duties well sort of since yesterday I taped a Mambo for Univision. Where do I start? My vacation was great from beginning to end. Positive thinking goes a long way....things started from the moment I arrived at the airport and I bumped into an old radio colleague and he changed my seats on the plane. I was like "yaaaay" then I spent time with my best friend Karlita on her b-day and all my good friends from Dc. Everytime we see each other it's like time never passed. On our way to NYC someone paid our toll and again I was thinking to myself how lucky/blessed I am and then the BOMB---we got to a hotel and because the overbooked and still promised us a room they had to give us the only one available---PENTHOUSE----omg adm I was so excited!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Chris Brown suck this! LOL

After watching the Chris Brown interview last night on Larry King I'm convinced that this douche bag really did all those things to Rihanna and more! Thank God she's done with him and looking FAB!!!! Why is it that us women always look our best when we break up or are mad at a guy? I guess it's to prove a point LOL..Must say she looks hot on the spread she did for Vogue in Italy! Suck this Chris Brown

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Britney concert
Divas por mas tiempo!! Love it
Las británicas llevan minifalda hasta que tienen 40 años, según un estudio dado a conocer por los grandes almacenes Debenhams.

Hace 20 años, pocas mujeres se habrían atrevido a llevar minifalda después de los 33 años, agregó.
"Esto muestra que las mujeres de ahora tienen una mayor confianza en sus cuerpos y que les gusta vestir en consecuencia", dijo en un comunicado.

Hace 20 años, pocas mujeres se habrían atrevido a llevar minifalda después de los 33 años, agregó.
"Esto muestra que las mujeres de ahora tienen una mayor confianza en sus cuerpos y que les gusta vestir en consecuencia", dijo en un comunicado.
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