Tuesday, June 30, 2009
New Pics...Nuevas Fotos
I had a chance to shoot once again with Scott Miller. The approach for this shoot was a soft and more casual one. We both got what we wanted!

New diet,,,stay single
Quieres quedarte delgada? Entonces preparate para una vida de soltera.Un nuevo estudio revela que personas que se casan tienden ser obesos al contrario de aquellos que son solteros. El estudio tambien encontro que aquellos que se mudan con su pareja tambien aumentan de peso.

New research shows that within a few short years of getting hitched, married individuals are twice as likely to become obese as are people who are merely dating.

New research shows that within a few short years of getting hitched, married individuals are twice as likely to become obese as are people who are merely dating.
Los pasteles de Sandy
Day 2 of healthy eating and today Sandy one of our VIP listeners from Tampa brings me pasteles!!! I love pasteles! With all my heart and stomach tooo jejeje....I searched on fitday.com and 1 pastel contains 320 calories...darn
Las mujeres son más felices a los 28
Revela un estudio que a esa edad tienen el mejor sexo de sus vidas, mientras que a los 29 años están en la cúspide de sus carreras y a los 30 sus relaciones son más estables Un grupo de investigadores ha descubierto que las mujeres se sienten más felices y seguras de sí mismas en su vida amorosa y su cuerpo un poco antes de que cumplan los 30 años de edad.
También se trata del periodo en sus vidas cuando disfrutan del mejor sexo, aunque toda esta felicidad es relativamente corta. Ello, debido a que cuando llegan a los 30 se comienzan a preocupar sobre su envejecimiento, las canas y las arrugas
Revela un estudio que a esa edad tienen el mejor sexo de sus vidas, mientras que a los 29 años están en la cúspide de sus carreras y a los 30 sus relaciones son más estables Un grupo de investigadores ha descubierto que las mujeres se sienten más felices y seguras de sí mismas en su vida amorosa y su cuerpo un poco antes de que cumplan los 30 años de edad.
También se trata del periodo en sus vidas cuando disfrutan del mejor sexo, aunque toda esta felicidad es relativamente corta. Ello, debido a que cuando llegan a los 30 se comienzan a preocupar sobre su envejecimiento, las canas y las arrugas
Monday, June 29, 2009
So far so good today

After eating everything in sight for the past 2 weeks today has been good. Started the morning with a good cardio workoout and had cereal for breakfast....lunch not too great since my sandwich got yucky after the heat but plan on making up for it when I get home. I really have to get back on track....no more games
She Wolf o she pissed?
The awaited release of "She Wolf" from Shakiras new album was leaked on the net a couple days ago. Sony her record company has done a fairly good job of deleting most of the uploads but here is a tease of what we should expect...I likey--I likey mucho!
Wanna life to 113? Here's how

NEW YORK (Wireless Flash) – “Cigarettes, whiskey, and wild, wild women” is the secret recipe for a long, healthy life.
At least that’s according to 113-year-old Henry Allingham, who became the oldest living man last week after the death of Japanese-born Tomoji Tanabe.
Up until a few years ago, Allingham admits he still enjoyed a good cigar.
This week, Buck Wolf of About.com’s Weird News Central looks at the unlikely indulgences of the world’s great “super centenarians.”
Oddly enough, Wolf notes that “alcohol and tobacco had an unmistakable role in the lives of people who famously lived far beyond 100.”
Jeanne Calment, the port-drinking, chocolate-loving French woman who lived to 122 and once held the Guinness World Record, only gave up smoking at 117.
The oldest Canadian on record, Marie-Louise Febronie Meilleur began smoking as a teen and didn’t kick the habit until she was 90. She lived another 27 years after that.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Michael Jackson you will be missed!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Vamos hacer el amor a esta hora.
Check out this article on timing sex. Can you imagine telling your partner "Hey papi a ver si I can take a ride on ur disco stick como a eso de las 9am okay" LOL sorry had to use the line from the Lady Gaga song.... hmmmmmm could it be true? Here is part of the article and a link........
Sea cual sea la preferencia, un estudio reveló que el organismo sí está predispuesto para el sexo a horas específicas
Aunque dependerá mucho de las preferencias personales, el lugar, la pareja y muchos otros factores como el cansancio o la situación, un estudio alemán reveló que el organismo sí está predispuesto para el sexo a horas específicas del día.
El líder del proyecto, Peter Platz, especialista en este campo graficó "las curvas del deseo", encontró puntos de coincidencia entre hombres y mujeres, donde señaló que las mejores horas para hacer el amor y en que las curvas de ambos sexos coinciden es a las 9 de la mañana y a las 4 de la tarde.
A las 9 de la mañana el cuerpo de ambos está listo para la acción, pues el organismo femenino no está del todo dispuesto ya que la hormona del sueño, es muy alto y la temperatura corporal es baja. Por el contrario, el hombre tiene a esa hora, las hormonas sexuales totalmente disparadas.
Lucky? No creo
I love the song "Lucky" de Jason Mraz y Colbie but here is the spanglish version with Mexican singer Ximena. Honestly, if I hadn't heard the original version I may have liked it more but it just doesn't live up to the english version. Some things shouldn't be messed with.
Monday, June 22, 2009
After holding ur wee wee to pee you shake my hand right!
I don' have a problem shaking someones hand but I can't help but think if they washed them after using the restroom. Men especially since the have to hold their "package" or little salchicha...LOL here's the result of a recent study!

se practicaron diferentes encuestas y observaciones que permitieron comprobar que las mujeres se lavan más las manos que los hombres, especialmente después de ir al baño, con un porcentaje de 84%, frente a un 36% de los hombres.
Previene enfermedades
Lavarse bien las manos elimina microbios que causan enfermedades como la hepatitis A, gripas, y diarrea.
Además evita que se expandan infecciones en el resto del cuerpo.
Según los médicos, las manos deben lavarse mínimo cinco veces al día, con agua y jabón.

se practicaron diferentes encuestas y observaciones que permitieron comprobar que las mujeres se lavan más las manos que los hombres, especialmente después de ir al baño, con un porcentaje de 84%, frente a un 36% de los hombres.
Previene enfermedades
Lavarse bien las manos elimina microbios que causan enfermedades como la hepatitis A, gripas, y diarrea.
Además evita que se expandan infecciones en el resto del cuerpo.
Según los médicos, las manos deben lavarse mínimo cinco veces al día, con agua y jabón.
Quitate el pantalon que es por mi juventud que estamos trabajando!
No tener sexo podría envejecerte 10 años

El estrés y la falta de actividad sexual pueden hacer "envejecer" el aspecto de la piel "hasta 10 años", ya que la edad cronológica de una persona no es necesariamente la misma edad que la de su piel, según la directora del Instituto Pond's, Esperanza Gaspar.

El estrés y la falta de actividad sexual pueden hacer "envejecer" el aspecto de la piel "hasta 10 años", ya que la edad cronológica de una persona no es necesariamente la misma edad que la de su piel, según la directora del Instituto Pond's, Esperanza Gaspar.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Esta es la yummy receta de chuletas en cerveza!
A-3 1/2 libra de chuletas de cerdo, corte del centro de 1/2 pulgada de espesor
B-1 cucharada de aceite vegetal
3 cucharadas de sofrito
C-1/2 taza de salsa ketchup
1 cucharada de sal
2 hojas de laurel
4 aceitunas rellenas con Pimientos morrones
3 latas de 10 onzas de Cerveza (la de su preferencia)(chelas)
D- 1 libra de papas, mondadas y cortadas en pedazos
E- 1 lata de zanahorias en tajadas (sliced carrots, escurridas
1- Remueva y descarte la grasa que rodea las chuletas. Lávelas, séquelas y resérvelas.
2-Vierta el aceite vegetal en un caldero y caliente el sofrito a fuego bajo.
3-Agregue el caldero los ingredientes incluidos en C y mezcle
4-Añada las chuletas y ponga el fuego alto hasta hervir. Reduzca el fuego a moderado, tape y hierva por 15 minutos.
5-Añada las papas, tape y hierva por 15 minutos a fuego moderado.
6-Ponga el fuego a moderado-alto y cueza, por 30 minutos
7-Agregue las zanahorias, mezcle y deje dar un hervor de 2 o 3 minutos.
8-Sirva acompañadas de papas al horno , vegetales o el Arroz de su preferencia.
La foto no es como debe quedar, pero se asemeja.
A-3 1/2 libra de chuletas de cerdo, corte del centro de 1/2 pulgada de espesor
B-1 cucharada de aceite vegetal
3 cucharadas de sofrito
C-1/2 taza de salsa ketchup
1 cucharada de sal
2 hojas de laurel
4 aceitunas rellenas con Pimientos morrones
3 latas de 10 onzas de Cerveza (la de su preferencia)(chelas)
D- 1 libra de papas, mondadas y cortadas en pedazos
E- 1 lata de zanahorias en tajadas (sliced carrots, escurridas
1- Remueva y descarte la grasa que rodea las chuletas. Lávelas, séquelas y resérvelas.
2-Vierta el aceite vegetal en un caldero y caliente el sofrito a fuego bajo.
3-Agregue el caldero los ingredientes incluidos en C y mezcle
4-Añada las chuletas y ponga el fuego alto hasta hervir. Reduzca el fuego a moderado, tape y hierva por 15 minutos.
5-Añada las papas, tape y hierva por 15 minutos a fuego moderado.
6-Ponga el fuego a moderado-alto y cueza, por 30 minutos
7-Agregue las zanahorias, mezcle y deje dar un hervor de 2 o 3 minutos.
8-Sirva acompañadas de papas al horno , vegetales o el Arroz de su preferencia.
La foto no es como debe quedar, pero se asemeja.
Never say no? you lucky &%$&*^
She's still f-ing hot!

Say what you want about Paulina Rubio but she still manages to stay young! She's 38 and still looks and dresses like a 24 yr old. She's on the cover of ELLE en Español this is what she says on staying fit and young! I'm down!
"Mi dermatólogo propone una dieta que regenera los tejidos de los órganos internos y eso a la vez limpia la piel. Sobre todo recomienda comer mucho salmón. Su dieta la siguen Sofía Loren, Raquel Welch, Nicole Kidman, Salma Hayeck... y mi madre. Tengo unos secretos de belleza maravillosos... Todas las mañanas bebo en ayunas agua caliente con dos limones. ¡Es algo milagroso!".
Gisele is preggers! One less skinny bitch out there lol
Felicidades Wisin!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Me likey..me likey mucho!

About 2 weeks ago had my Mac fix and got the Style Warrior bronze...It works really good especially for those of us who have a lighter face than the rest of our bodies!
Beauty Powder Blush embellished with the iconic design and bronze packaging of M·A·C Style Warrior. The see-through window features the silver emblem of the collection. Limited edition.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Thanks mil Gracias!
Don't do this!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
What happened to me? well...

Hello a todos! Those of you wondering what the heck happened to me well here goes. For the past week or so I've been feeling some allergies as well as discomfort in both my eyes. I thought it was due to my contacts but tuesday morning when I woke up----YIKES!!!!!---I had nasty pink eye. Went to the dr and because it's contagious I can't work. On top of that had to rush my mom to the hospital so we have 2 sick ladies..... I feel better just sensitive to sun light. Yesterday I couldn't even watch tv because of the pain. Pero ya voy mejorando....
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Luis Fonsi panics during interview!

See that's she ish that happens when you mess around. It bites you back in the ass! Luis Fonsi has been in the hot seat lately for being a little tooooooo flirty while his wife was away in Mexico doing a novela. During a radio interview last week he was asked if he had ever asked another woman out while his wife was away...you could hear a pin drop....I bet many scenarios played in his head (Blue Martini).....he replied about 3 seconds later in a low voice NO. Ahhh que pasme Fonsi
Shakira records new video!

I love twitter! I get to dig into what all our fav celebrities are up to! Shakira is on there and wrote some stuff about her latest video. Until now there's been no real confirmation on what the first single will be. First it was said that it was possibly "We'll Never Know" and it looks like untile they release it we wont! What we do know is that it's going to be in english and that she's been working on it till 2 am and that maybe just maybe it's called "She Wolf" ...this is what the Colombian diva wrote on twitter:Finished shooting at 2am last night – early for me! Another shoot today. Can’t wait to finish and have an In-N-Out burger...-Shakira
and shooting the video for my first single with Jake Nava. Can’t wait to see the results and share them with you. -Shakira
7:19 PM Jun 11th from web
Ricky Martin is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
What ever happened to Huey and DLG?
I remember the first time I heard "No Morira" I was tanning on the roof of my sisters house in Jersey. We were listening to an am station from Philly and I was like damn it's salsa but sounds young! That's when I fell in love with the group.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Tito El Bambino single?
N'dito nunca conformes ah?

Las mujeres son ahora
menos felices que los hombres
las mujeres son menos felices ahora que antes.
Así lo comprueba el estudio Las paradojas del declive en la felicidad de las mujeres, realizado por dos economistas de la Wharton School en la norteamericana Universidad de Pennsilvania.
Te puse tonto! ja ja ja
Recent study claims that pretty women make men stupid!! go go ga ga LOL
Estudio afirma que las mujeres bellas atontan a los hombres
Al menos temporalmente, no se pensaría con claridad por la "impresión" causada por la hermosura. ÁMSTERDAM.- Las mujeres bellas atontan a los hombres, al menos temporalmente, según un estudio de la Universidad de Radboud, en la ciudad holandesa de Nimega.
Los expertos observaron el rendimiento intelectual de estudiantes varones poco después de tener contacto con compañeras especialmente atractivas. Y llegaron a la conclusión de que poco después de un encuentro con una bella mujer, un hombre no piensa con claridad.
Manless world? Sort of

Just read an article on how more and more women are opting for invitro. Apparently older and working women just don't want to put up with the drama of a relationship. Times are changing and we just don't put up with shit anymore!Wait? That sounds like something a guy would say! LOL Here is the story http://7dias.us/news.php?nid=6497
Boy or Girl?

Can you imagine being able to know if you're having a boy or a girl from home? Well, get ready future mamasitas because here comes the "Boy or Girl Gender Prediction Test". According to scientist, certain hormones when combined with a "proprietary mix of chemicals" react differently if a woman is carrying a boy or a girl. ADM I'm most def getting a couple when my time comes! Check out the full story http://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/06/09/gender.prediction.test/?iref=hpmostpop
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Hey Hey..This Jersey girl is ready for Latin Freestyle TKA

OMG...I'm so excited about TKA coming to Tabu nightclub this coming weds for freestyle night!!! You have no idea how I used to listen to them growing up while playing nintendo LOL. I never imagined I would be presenting them...so freakin cool! Who would of said that chubby chik from the hood would be holdin it down?

I'm certified!
Ha! Yesterday I had the chance to do the whole Skyventure experience with my girl Italis. It was so fun and scary at the same time.
We got so pumped but during the training you start to get nervous but F-it I jumped in and flew with winds of 120pmh or so and it was so cool although I could feel saliva and YES my nose draining the whole time!

We got so pumped but during the training you start to get nervous but F-it I jumped in and flew with winds of 120pmh or so and it was so cool although I could feel saliva and YES my nose draining the whole time!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Wow we all wanna look like this at 40!!!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Romeo finalmente habla
When I saw the twitter tease from El Circo de PR saying that Romeo had finally spilled it and said he was going solo....well..no surprise to me! Found this article from AP about it.....BTW I love this pic. los muchachos praying for a career after romeo lol

"Aventura" presenta último álbum antes que Romeo inicie carrera solista
MIAM (AFP) — La multipremiada banda dominicana de bachata "Aventura" lanza el martes en Nueva York "The Last", que será su último álbum antes de que su vocalista y compositor Romeo inicie una carrera solista, dijo el intérprete en diálogo con la AFP.
"Este será el último álbum de Aventura. Me he decidido a iniciar mi carrera solista", dijo Anthony "Romeo" Santos, líder de la banda.
"Estaba concentrado en la producción de Aventura, pero mis compañeros quieren desarrollarse y hacer sus proyectos como solistas y yo también me encuentro en esa situación", dijo el artista, de 27 años, nacido en el barrio de Bronx, en Nueva York, de padre dominicano y madre puertorriqueña.
"En el futuro verán un album de Romero como solista, pero no descarto volver a hacer otro álbum con Aventura más adelante", agregó.
Romeo dijo que la promoción de "The Last" llevará a la banda de gira por Estados Unidos y América Latina. "Así que hay Aventura para rato, van a poder disfrutar del grupo por lo menos un buen tiempo más", comentó.
La nueva placa de Aventura, que incluye el tema "Por un segundo", líder en los rankings latinos en Estados Unidos y varios países de la región, cuenta con la participación del haitiano Wyclef Jean y del dúo de reggaeton puertorriqueño Wissin y Yandel, entre otros.
"Es una producción con mucha variedad. Están los sonidos que ya conocen de Aventura, pero además de bachata también hay salsa y hip-hop, y sabemos que va a gustar mucho".
"Tengo una fórmula para componer canciones: metáforas, romanticismo, poesía y sencillez", dijo Romeo, compositor de temas como "Mi corazoncito", "El Perdedor" y otros grandes éxitos de Aventura.
La banda ha logrado instalar la bachata dominicana en el terreno internacional como Juan Luis Guerra lo hizo anteriormente y sus integrantes han sabido apoyarse sobre ese legado.
"Juan Luis Guerra ha tenido una enorme influencia en nuestra agrupación. Es un genio y sería un honor y un sueño poder hacer algo juntos. Estoy seguro que se dará en algún momento", dijo Romeo.
"Aventura" ha sido ganadora este año en los premios Billboard por "El Perdedor", elegido tema tropical del año, y fue la banda más premiada en cuatro categorías de los premios Lo Nuestro de la música latina, que se entregan en Miami.
Copyright © 2009 AFP. Todos los derechos reservados

"Aventura" presenta último álbum antes que Romeo inicie carrera solista
MIAM (AFP) — La multipremiada banda dominicana de bachata "Aventura" lanza el martes en Nueva York "The Last", que será su último álbum antes de que su vocalista y compositor Romeo inicie una carrera solista, dijo el intérprete en diálogo con la AFP.
"Este será el último álbum de Aventura. Me he decidido a iniciar mi carrera solista", dijo Anthony "Romeo" Santos, líder de la banda.
"Estaba concentrado en la producción de Aventura, pero mis compañeros quieren desarrollarse y hacer sus proyectos como solistas y yo también me encuentro en esa situación", dijo el artista, de 27 años, nacido en el barrio de Bronx, en Nueva York, de padre dominicano y madre puertorriqueña.
"En el futuro verán un album de Romero como solista, pero no descarto volver a hacer otro álbum con Aventura más adelante", agregó.
Romeo dijo que la promoción de "The Last" llevará a la banda de gira por Estados Unidos y América Latina. "Así que hay Aventura para rato, van a poder disfrutar del grupo por lo menos un buen tiempo más", comentó.
La nueva placa de Aventura, que incluye el tema "Por un segundo", líder en los rankings latinos en Estados Unidos y varios países de la región, cuenta con la participación del haitiano Wyclef Jean y del dúo de reggaeton puertorriqueño Wissin y Yandel, entre otros.
"Es una producción con mucha variedad. Están los sonidos que ya conocen de Aventura, pero además de bachata también hay salsa y hip-hop, y sabemos que va a gustar mucho".
"Tengo una fórmula para componer canciones: metáforas, romanticismo, poesía y sencillez", dijo Romeo, compositor de temas como "Mi corazoncito", "El Perdedor" y otros grandes éxitos de Aventura.
La banda ha logrado instalar la bachata dominicana en el terreno internacional como Juan Luis Guerra lo hizo anteriormente y sus integrantes han sabido apoyarse sobre ese legado.
"Juan Luis Guerra ha tenido una enorme influencia en nuestra agrupación. Es un genio y sería un honor y un sueño poder hacer algo juntos. Estoy seguro que se dará en algún momento", dijo Romeo.
"Aventura" ha sido ganadora este año en los premios Billboard por "El Perdedor", elegido tema tropical del año, y fue la banda más premiada en cuatro categorías de los premios Lo Nuestro de la música latina, que se entregan en Miami.
Copyright © 2009 AFP. Todos los derechos reservados
Friday, June 5, 2009
Smart women marry rich? DOH I'm so stupid then
Here is an article that discusses how smart women marry the rich. If that's the case then I'm dumb. Money is nice, actually very nice but most of the men who have lots of money aren't the nicest guys. I've met many and if put in a deciding situation they will pick money over anyone....here's the article and a link

Smart Women Marry Rich, Says New Book
Why Do Women Choose 'Big Blue Eyes' Over 'Big Green Bank Account?'
June 5, 2009—
Heart-stopping, knee-weakening, "when-is-he-going-to-call" kind of love wanes in about 18 to 24 months, but the kind that comes in dollars and cents lasts a lifetime.
At least according to a new book, "Smart Girls Marry Money: How Women Have Been Duped into the Romantic Dream -- and How They're Paying for It."
The book confirms what mothers have been telling their daughters for generations: "Girls are told at their mother's knee: "It's just as easy to love a rich man as a poor man." Or, "No Romance without Finance." And, "Marry the one you can live with, not the one you can't live without."
Many women would agree that one good man in the boardroom is better than two in the bedroom.
Such was the case with Ginger Borgella, a 29-year-old Maryland therapist who writes the blog, "Girls Just Want To Have Funds."
"How a man treats his finances -- if he is not willing to honor his debts and obligations -- is an indicator of how he will treat you in the marriage," she told ABCNews.com.
"I want a man who is financially savvy," said Borgella, who asked to see her prospective husband's credit report.
That report wasn't perfect, but the couple made a mutual plan to establish financial security and have now been married since 2006 and own their own house.
"I don't want to be broke," said Borgella. "I'm not Paris Hilton, but I lead a comfortable life."
"Smart Girls Marry Money" is a satirical self-help guide is written by two middle-aged professionals scarred by their first marriages.
They aim their advice squarely at nubile girls who have falsely equated romantic love with happiness.
Why are girls are encouraged to court the man with the "big blue eyes" rather than the one with the "big green bankroll?" they ask.
Both authors -- Los Angeles mothers Daniela Drake and Elizabeth Ford -- say they "married for love, but reaped the consequences."
Drake is a primary care doctor with an MBA and Ford (divorced from the son of actor Harrison Ford) is an Emmy-winning television producer.
Ford admits the book's title is "meant to get your attention."
"It's not just about how to marry a rich guy," she told ABCNews.com. But women are way too obsessed with the "love drug."
The question women should ask about the fiance is, "Does he have a financial plan and how does that match up with your values?"
Romantic love, they say, is never a valid reason to get married.
"Both men and women think it is the end-all, be-all of happiness," said Ford. "Every movie ends with the wedding scene and a pregnant girl at the end and they live happily ever after."
Science seems to back this theory. MRI scans now reveal a "complicated biological cocktail of hormones" that light up in the brain when people are in love, according to the book. And, Ford notes, the activity is in "the most primitive, reptilian" part of the brain.
Knowing that that loving feeling doesn't last and that women have a "sell-by date," women should pursue the "gold digging imperative" -- finding a man while they still have their youth and looks.
"I am just old fashioned enough to find [marrying for money] repellant," said Stephanie Coontz, professor of history and family studies at Evergreen State College in Washington.
Still, she notes that romantic love is a modern notion.
According to her 2005 book, "Marriage, A History: From Obedience to Intimacy, or How Love Conquered Marriage," it began in the Victorian era.
"There is nothing new about this idea," Coontz told ABCNews.com. "Women have been marrying for mercenary reasons for most of history. They had to, because they couldn't support themselves."
She said that as late as 1967, women routinely considered marrying a man they didn't love "if he met the financial criteria."
For thousands of years, marriage was based on political and economic convenience for both men and women.
"Until the 18th century the biggest infusion of cash until marriage was death and an inheritance," said Coontz. Next was the dowry.
"Families were interested in the connections to in-laws to improve their financial interests," she said.
But as the middle class emerged and men could support themselves rather than depend upon an inheritance, they became "the most exuberantly romantic," she said.
"Women who were totally dependent and legally subordinate said things in their diaries like, "Caution: My heart inclines to Harry, but I can't take that risk."
By the mid 20th century, modern attitudes gave men and women equality to choose a mate, but not economic equality.
Men expect power because they make more money and women "trade services for deference," Coontz said. "This has created an unstable situation."
The best hope for a stable and satisfying marriage is one where both husband and wife share the bread-winning, child care and housework, according to Coontz.
"Women mostly say it is less important to have a man earn a lot of money than a man who can communicate and share his feelings," she said. "And that doesn't mean they want to marry a deadbeat."
The book's authors agree that economic equality is important.
They argue that women can't earn as much as men, especially after having children, and if they do marry well, and then split, they are shortchanged by divorce, both professionally and financially.
The book cites research by Professor Stephen Jenkins, director of the Institute for Social and Economic Research, who found that five years after divorce, men were 25 percent richer, whereas women still had less money than they did pre-split; and that 31 percent of mothers received no support no payment for children.
Women face the pressure to do it all -- raise children, earn a decent salary and be a hot sexpot in bed.
And, the authors note from personal experience that 50 percent of all marriages are doomed to failure.
"If falling in love is a valid reason to get married, then falling out of love is a reason for divorce," said Ford, whose husband left her two years ago to raise their now 8-year-old son, motivating her to write the book.
Ford's enthusiasm for the topic was also fueled by a younger sister who graduated from college "looking for love" and ended up with "slacker guys who don't pay the rent."
Her co-author, Drake, left her husband, because he had no concern for the couple's finances. She is now remarried with two children.
A good marriage, they both say, is an economic partnership. And research shows that if a couple stays together long enough, the passionate love will reignite.
Such was case with one blogger on the Web site Urban Baby who said her best friend had always dated "rocker guys" but, instead, married a Jewish MBA consultant.
"She admits that he is not as sexy, interesting or thrilling as her past boys," she wrote. "But he is understanding and kind and super intelligent. I 'm sure that loft in Tribeca didn't hurt either."
Copyright © 2009 ABC News Internet Ventures
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Thursday! ahhhhh Friday hurry and get here
My new sexy man
More jobs!!! Good News guys
Walmart U.S. creará más de 22,000 empleos en los Estados Unidos en 2009
Los nuevos puestos estarán disponibles en tiendas nuevas o ampliadas; incluyen puestos administrativos en tiendas, farmacéuticos, gerentes de recursos humanos, cajeros y asociados de ventas

Walmart U.S. will be creating over 22 thousand jobs....Great to hear things are starting to get better!
Los nuevos puestos estarán disponibles en tiendas nuevas o ampliadas; incluyen puestos administrativos en tiendas, farmacéuticos, gerentes de recursos humanos, cajeros y asociados de ventas

Walmart U.S. will be creating over 22 thousand jobs....Great to hear things are starting to get better!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Todo show!

New details on Shakis new album!!!
Nelly Furtado en Español!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Give a positive vibe.

I just sent out an article on twitter about how words last a lifetime. I can't sit here and claim that I'm the nicest or this or that but I do try to be nice to everyone. What ever happened to good morning-how are you? It seems like in this society it's become extinct. Sometimes we have to sit back for a minute and look at the BIG PICTURE in life. Is the slow guy driving in front of you that big of a deal? Enough to ruin not only your morning but the morning of everyone around you. Take time to complement someone, tell them it's going to be okay. My ultimate goas in life is to change lives. It's the only thing that makes me feel close to God and simply makes me feel good. Some people may describe me as cooky or toooo positive but at the end of the day I'm happy!! Very happy can you say the same?
Plane Crash
Wow, it was so sad to hear about the plance crash en route from Brazil-France. Just this Friday as I was flying out to Baltimore I was amazed at how beautiful the sky and the storms looked from the window. It's not everyday that you get to experience it from this close but another part of me thought "what if one hits this plane?" So scary. Everytime you fly you may not think about it but you're putting your life on someone elses hands.....uyyyy
Susan Boyle let's fame go to her head!

Britain's Got Talent fave Susan Boyle didn't take the news of being in secong place too well. Apparently the singing sensation was taken to a private clinic suffering from exhaustion following her shock defeat in the final of "Britain's Got Talent," her brother and British media reported Monday. I can see how after building her up like that and then falling must have been hard for her! She should have never said no to that porn offer...that was evil...I sort of take that back hehehe
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