Esta proxima noticia te dara otra excusa para darte una bien fria ya que es por tu salud! Asi es, un nuevo estudio del Departamento de Ciencia de los Alimentos y Tecnología de la Universidad de California sugiere que la cerveza es una importante fuente dietética de silicio, un ingrediente clave para aumentar la densidad mineral ósea, lo que ayudaría a prevenir la osteoporosis. Los detalles del estudio se publican este mes en la edición de febrero de «Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture».
As if you didn't need another reason to have another beer. The following study is for you--- new analysis of 100 commercial beers shows the hoppy beverage is a significant source of dietary silicon, a key ingredient for bone health.
Though past research has suggested beer is chockfull of silicon, little was known about how silicon levels varied with the type of beer and malting process used. So a pair of researchers took one for the team and ran chemical analyses on beer's raw ingredients. They also picked up 100 commercial beers from the grocery store and measured the silicon content.
The silicon content of the beers ranged from 6.4 mg/L to 56.5 mg/L, with an average of 30 mg/L. Two beers are the equivalent of just under a half liter, so a person could get 30 mg of the nutrient from two beers. And while there is no official recommendation for daily silicon uptake, the researchers say, in the United States, individuals consume between 20 and 50 mg of silicon each day.
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