Friday, August 28, 2009
Me voy de playa!
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Este estudio esta bueno.
Durante mucho tiempo se ha vinculado a la testosterona -la hormona sexual masculina- con la competitividad, la agresión y el dominio, características a su vez asociadas al género masculino.
Ahora, por primera vez, un estudio sugiere que las mujeres más exitosas y las que están más dispuestas a tomar riesgos tienen niveles más altos de la hormona testosterona.
Megan Meow!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
I love this song!
Not a single word is said yet this song has so much feeling. I've always loved this tune
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Hey Guys
The computer I do most of my work from is acting up. Until I have time to get it fixed my blogs may be coming in slower than usual but I can tell you this---I shot my halloween shoot and tried to do one from the beach but got rained on :( I still think we got a couple of good ones. Thanks to Tanner and Scott for always being there for me and helping me make great images. Depending on how many we get back from the beach shoot I will try and post them this weekend...Have a great day guys xoxoxo
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Photo Shoot!
Today I finally shot my halloween photo shoot with one of the best photographers I've EVER worked with. From the moment I posted the idea he was up for it even when others thought it was creepy and somewhat weird. Tanner you are awesome and I know we can do some great things together! The photos will be up on Sep 15th!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Quien sufre mas despues de un divorcio?
Un tema delicado and from experience with my sisters I can see how this may be true.....

Los niños llevan peor que las niñas que sus padres se divorcien, si bien la mayoría de los problemas de los hijos ya existen antes de que sus padres decidan romper definitivamente su matrimonio y no aumentan por esta circunstancia.
Así lo afirma la profesora de la Universidade do Minho de Braga (Portugal) Barbara Figueiredo, quien hoy ha participado en el curso de verano de la Universidad del País Vasco "¿Qué podemos hacer ante el divorcio y la separación?".

Los niños llevan peor que las niñas que sus padres se divorcien, si bien la mayoría de los problemas de los hijos ya existen antes de que sus padres decidan romper definitivamente su matrimonio y no aumentan por esta circunstancia.
Así lo afirma la profesora de la Universidade do Minho de Braga (Portugal) Barbara Figueiredo, quien hoy ha participado en el curso de verano de la Universidad del País Vasco "¿Qué podemos hacer ante el divorcio y la separación?".
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Source: Michael Jackson's Doctor to Be Charged With Manslaughter - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment - FOXNews.com
So, eres machista? Prepara tu entierro!
I can write so many things but I'm going to be nice...just read the story

Los hombres rudos que creen en ideales de masculinidad se muestran mucho menos propensos a buscar servicios preventivos de atención médica, como un examen de próstata, en comparación con otros hombres.
El nuevo hallazgo, basado en datos de un estudio, revela que dichas creencias de virilidad podrían ayudar a explicar por qué la esperanza de vida de los hombres es menor que la de las mujeres.

Los hombres rudos que creen en ideales de masculinidad se muestran mucho menos propensos a buscar servicios preventivos de atención médica, como un examen de próstata, en comparación con otros hombres.
El nuevo hallazgo, basado en datos de un estudio, revela que dichas creencias de virilidad podrían ayudar a explicar por qué la esperanza de vida de los hombres es menor que la de las mujeres.
More high heel talk...this never gets old!
So WTF? A bunch of old men who have never even wore heels (I think) are proposing some law on high heels. Que pantalones tienen estos tipos ah? Here's the full story

The Trade Union Congress, predominantly male, has proposed a motion arguing that high heels are demeaning to women while they also contribute to long term injuries.
They propose instead that women wear "sensible shoes" with an inch heel limit in an attempt to avoid future foot and back pain as well as injuries. The motion is due to be debated at next month's conference.
The motion, tabled by the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists, states: "Congress believes high heels may look glamorous on the Hollywood catwalks but are completely inappropriate for the day-today working environment.

The Trade Union Congress, predominantly male, has proposed a motion arguing that high heels are demeaning to women while they also contribute to long term injuries.
They propose instead that women wear "sensible shoes" with an inch heel limit in an attempt to avoid future foot and back pain as well as injuries. The motion is due to be debated at next month's conference.
The motion, tabled by the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists, states: "Congress believes high heels may look glamorous on the Hollywood catwalks but are completely inappropriate for the day-today working environment.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Ha....Take that, guys!
Here is a fun fact for you, according to a study released in European Urology Journal earlier this year; two inch high heels help increase sex drive. So the next time your partner complains about you buying another pair of shoes you can direct him/her to this story.

The study was performed by Dr. Maria Cerruto, a Urologist and Researcher from Verona University in Italy. She took 66 women under the age of 50, and measured the electrical activity in the pelvic muscles after wearing or not wearing high heels. For the women that wore the heels; the electrical activity in that area was decreased by 15%. More relaxed pelvic muscles leads to better sexual satisfaction and performance.

The study was performed by Dr. Maria Cerruto, a Urologist and Researcher from Verona University in Italy. She took 66 women under the age of 50, and measured the electrical activity in the pelvic muscles after wearing or not wearing high heels. For the women that wore the heels; the electrical activity in that area was decreased by 15%. More relaxed pelvic muscles leads to better sexual satisfaction and performance.
Dame eso...I want some

OMG...this sucker looks yummy! I would seriously break my diet for this!
A 1,224-pound triple vanilla cupcake with pink frosting has set a record as the world's largest.
The sugary behemoth was unveiled Saturday at the Woodward Dream Cruise classic cars event in Royal Oak, Mich.
A Guinness World Records adjudicator was on hand to certify the cupcake's girth. It was more than eight times the size of the previous record holder.
The colossal cupcake took 12 hours to bake and included 800 eggs and 200 pounds each of sugar and flour.
Slices of the cupcake were served in exchange for donations to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure breast cancer organization.
Ryan Abood, owner of New Hampshire-based Gourmetgiftbaskets.com who made the cupcake, told the Detroit Free Press that it clocked in at an estimated 2 million calories
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Guys aren't too....
This study doesn't surprise me one bit! I can just imagine being in a guys head-- "Boobs? yes, Nice ass? yes. Vagina? yes...okay! I can sleep with her" ...LOL
This goes back to the old question all women ask each other when they see a cute guy cheat or sleep around with a not so attractive woman...That's just how they are chica!
Here's an article USA Today posted on that...

Men are much more likely to seek and have casual sex than women, and are far less choosy about the looks of their sex partners.
That's the conclusion of a new study by British researchers who analyzed questionnaire responses from 860 American, German and Italian students.
This goes back to the old question all women ask each other when they see a cute guy cheat or sleep around with a not so attractive woman...That's just how they are chica!
Here's an article USA Today posted on that...

Men are much more likely to seek and have casual sex than women, and are far less choosy about the looks of their sex partners.
That's the conclusion of a new study by British researchers who analyzed questionnaire responses from 860 American, German and Italian students.
Friday, August 14, 2009
This is why I heart chocolate
Comer chocolate al menos dos veces por semana divide por tres aproximadamente el riesgo de mortalidad cardiovascular cuando ya se ha padecido un ataque cardíaco, en comparación con las personas que nunca se dejan tentar por este dulce, según un estudio sueco.

El consumo de chocolate está "muy asociado con una reducción de la mortalidad cardíaca en personas -no diabéticas- que han sobrevivido a un infarto", subraya el estudio publicado en el ejemplar de septiembre del Journal of Internal Medicine.

El consumo de chocolate está "muy asociado con una reducción de la mortalidad cardíaca en personas -no diabéticas- que han sobrevivido a un infarto", subraya el estudio publicado en el ejemplar de septiembre del Journal of Internal Medicine.
Would you use a female condom?

This is so cool for the single chicas out there who need to get their freak on!
La posibilidad de que las mujeres puedan utilizar un "condón molecular" para protegerse del Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana (VIH) parece cada vez más cercana.
Científicos de la Universidad de Utah, Estados Unidos, están desarrollando un gel que la mujer se introduciría en la vagina antes del acto sexual.
I love you 4 u! BS.... LOL
Bacardi Rum Cake recipe!!! Yummy
1 cup chopped pecans or chopped walnuts
1 (520 g) package yellow cake mix (You just use the cake mix as is, do not add other ingredients listed on cake box.)
1 (92 g) package vanilla instant pudding mix
4 eggs
1/2 cup cold water
1/2 cup cooking oil
1/2 cup amber rum or 1873 rum
1/2 cup butter
1/4 cup water
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup amber rum or 1873 rum
1Sprinkle nuts over bottom of greased 10 inch tube pan or 12 cup bundt pan.
2Stir together cake mix, pudding mix, eggs, water, oil and rum.
3Pour batter over nuts.
4Bake at 325 in oven for 1 hour.
5Cool 10 minutes in pan.
6Invert onto serving plate and prick top.
8Melt butter in saucepan.
9Stir in water and sugar.
10Boil 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
11Remove from heat.
12Stir in rum.
13Brush glaze evenly over top and sides of cake.
14Allow cake to absorb glaze.
15Repeat until glaze is used up.
1 cup chopped pecans or chopped walnuts
1 (520 g) package yellow cake mix (You just use the cake mix as is, do not add other ingredients listed on cake box.)
1 (92 g) package vanilla instant pudding mix
4 eggs
1/2 cup cold water
1/2 cup cooking oil
1/2 cup amber rum or 1873 rum
1/2 cup butter
1/4 cup water
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup amber rum or 1873 rum
1Sprinkle nuts over bottom of greased 10 inch tube pan or 12 cup bundt pan.
2Stir together cake mix, pudding mix, eggs, water, oil and rum.
3Pour batter over nuts.
4Bake at 325 in oven for 1 hour.
5Cool 10 minutes in pan.
6Invert onto serving plate and prick top.
8Melt butter in saucepan.
9Stir in water and sugar.
10Boil 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
11Remove from heat.
12Stir in rum.
13Brush glaze evenly over top and sides of cake.
14Allow cake to absorb glaze.
15Repeat until glaze is used up.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
If suddenly ur man loves ice cream...this is why

Unless ur man is about to go on PMS (impossible) then this may be the reason he's having more ice cream....
Forget traditional vanilla. Londoners will be able to treat themselves to a new “vice cream” in autumn when pop-up ice cream boutique, The Icreamists opens in Selfridges .
Entitled The Sex Pistol, this bespoke creation is served as an ice cream cocktail and it's claimed to have similar effects to the libido-boosting drug Viagra. It contains ingredients such as ginkgo, biloba, arginine and guarana and is served with a shot of the highly intoxicating La Fee Absinthe, so it's guaranteed to get your blood pumping. Customers are limited to one serving per person
Yo soy Jessica Reyes
I never felt the need to change my last name when I got married. For some reason it was like I was letting go of who I had been all my life. I was born Jessica Reyes and I refused to let a man take that from me. Apparently, the mayority disagrees with me...check out this article from USA TODAY

About 70% of Americans agree, either somewhat or strongly, that it's beneficial for women to take her husband's last name when they marry, while 29% say it's better for women to keep their own names, finds a study being presented today at the American Sociological Association's annual meeting in San Francisco

About 70% of Americans agree, either somewhat or strongly, that it's beneficial for women to take her husband's last name when they marry, while 29% say it's better for women to keep their own names, finds a study being presented today at the American Sociological Association's annual meeting in San Francisco
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Las mujeres optimistas tienen un menor riesgo de desarrollar enfermedad cardiaca o morir de cualquier causa en comparación con las mujeres pesimistas, según un estudio dirigido por la Universidad de Pittsburgh que se publica en la revista 'Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association'.
Los resultados también mostraron que las mujeres con un alto grado de hostilidad cínica, que albergan pensamientos hostiles hacia los otros o tienen una desconfianza general hacia las personas, se encontraban bajo un mayor riesgo de mortalidad aunque su riesgo de desarrollar enfermedad cardiaca no estaba alterado.
Monday, August 10, 2009
I used to do that...

Recent study claims that women eat less and order lower calorie foods in front of men. I remember those days! I also did that when I started with my hubby. I guess I didn't want him to think I ate so much LOL
check out the full story here http://voices.washingtonpost.com/checkup/2009/08/women_eat_daintily_around_men_1.html?wprss=checkup
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Life's a Beach
Adamari Lopez embarazada!!!!

Existe un rumor bien fuerte que Adamari Lopez y Luis Fonsi se reunieron este fin de semana para darle la noticia a sus familiares que estaban esperando su primer bebe. Una noticia que me alegra tanto ya que todos sabemos el momento dificil que paso Adamari cuando sufria de cancer. Que Diosito la siga bendiciendo!
Halloween stuff already in stores

While window shopping yesterday I noticed many stores had their Halloween stuff already. Wow, it's only august and they are pushing it. It's funny because the other day at Blue Martini I was telling some people I met there that I was ready AGAIN for their yearly Halloween Party....I get so excited and from what I'm seeing I can guarantee their will be many Michael Jackson and Alice and Wonderland costumes. As for me, well I'm stuck between being Madonna in her like a virgin days or going with Alice...what ya think?
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Crisis pushes men to therapy, women to handbags
You chicas make me so proud LOL...shopping does make women feel better even if it's just window shopping!

The desire to sport a different handbag for every occasion is shielding the largest makers of luxury leather goods from the economic crisis as women prove to be more consistent spenders than men.
Louis Vuitton and Hermes bags are still amongst the most sought-after luxury products compared with weak demand for watches, a traditionally male-dominated sector.
Gender marketing expert Diana Jaffe said the uncertainty about jobs caused by the economic slump posed a threat to male identity, prompting men to cut back on spending. Meanwhile, women are taking steps to cheer themselves up with a treat.
"Women are also worried about their jobs, but not to the extent that they feel their mere existence is being threatened and so they are in the mood to buy despite the crisis," Jaffe said.
Some men have stopped themselves from splurging on flashy goods that could be deemed as tasteless during times of austerity, while others don't have the capacity to think about spending on luxury items, Jaffe said.

The desire to sport a different handbag for every occasion is shielding the largest makers of luxury leather goods from the economic crisis as women prove to be more consistent spenders than men.
Louis Vuitton and Hermes bags are still amongst the most sought-after luxury products compared with weak demand for watches, a traditionally male-dominated sector.
Gender marketing expert Diana Jaffe said the uncertainty about jobs caused by the economic slump posed a threat to male identity, prompting men to cut back on spending. Meanwhile, women are taking steps to cheer themselves up with a treat.
"Women are also worried about their jobs, but not to the extent that they feel their mere existence is being threatened and so they are in the mood to buy despite the crisis," Jaffe said.
Some men have stopped themselves from splurging on flashy goods that could be deemed as tasteless during times of austerity, while others don't have the capacity to think about spending on luxury items, Jaffe said.
Read this story and although I strive to help any talent especially female to pursue their dreams it's unfortunate to have to admit that when I started in this business not many females gave me a hand. There was Lena who pushed to get me on Fox 35 when I was only about 22 and a couple of others but at the end of the day my mentors are men. Here is an article on that
If there is a woman behind every successful man, it may be as true that there is a man behind most every successful woman.
Sorry, husbands. He's probably not you, but rather a male executive who champions women to the top.

TELL US: Identify the one mentor who most influenced your success. Did your mentor's gender make a difference to you?
When USA TODAY asked female CEOs, chairs and company founders to identify the one mentor who had the most influence on their careers, 33 of the 34 who responded identified a man.
If there is a woman behind every successful man, it may be as true that there is a man behind most every successful woman.
Sorry, husbands. He's probably not you, but rather a male executive who champions women to the top.

TELL US: Identify the one mentor who most influenced your success. Did your mentor's gender make a difference to you?
When USA TODAY asked female CEOs, chairs and company founders to identify the one mentor who had the most influence on their careers, 33 of the 34 who responded identified a man.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
I love this video
I remember growing up watching this video and thinking "I want to be beautiful and sexy when I grow up"
George Michael - Freedom '90
George Michael - Freedom '90
The 1st bath with Ricky Martin
Wisin y Yandel take it to another level! me so proud!
El dúo puertorriqueño de música urbana Wisin & Yandel fueron los únicos artistas latinos postulados a los premios MTV en Videos Musicales, que este año están en la misma categoría que Beyoncé, Britney Spears y Lady Gaga.

Wisin & Yandel está nominado en el renglón de Mejor Video Pop gracias al clip del tema Abusadora, que competirá con Single Ladies de Beyoncé, ``Womanizer de Britney Spears, Good Girls Go Bad de Cobra Starship y ``Poker Face de Lady Gaga.

Wisin & Yandel está nominado en el renglón de Mejor Video Pop gracias al clip del tema Abusadora, que competirá con Single Ladies de Beyoncé, ``Womanizer de Britney Spears, Good Girls Go Bad de Cobra Starship y ``Poker Face de Lady Gaga.
I can buy some really nice stuff with that money LOL
It's no secret that raising children can be expensive, but how about nearly a quarter of a million dollars expensive?

A government report released Tuesday says a middle-income family with a child born last year will spend about $221,000 raising that child through age 17.
The report by the USDA's Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion identified housing as the largest single expense, followed by food and child care/education costs. The $221,000 in expenses rises to about $292,000 when adjusted for inflation.
follow the link for more

A government report released Tuesday says a middle-income family with a child born last year will spend about $221,000 raising that child through age 17.
The report by the USDA's Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion identified housing as the largest single expense, followed by food and child care/education costs. The $221,000 in expenses rises to about $292,000 when adjusted for inflation.
follow the link for more
New York tops mag's list of best places in U.S. for women to have a career - and child

Working moms can have it all - especially if they live in New York.
A new study by ForbesWoman magazine found the city is the best place for a woman to have kids and a career.
New York ranked highest among 50 cities based on earnings, unemployment rates, cost of living, crime, access to health and day care, per pupil spending and number of parks.
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/money/2009/08/05/2009-08-05_city_works_for_moms.html#ixzz0NJPTolLx
Wine makes women......

Los investigadores de la Universidad de Florencia sostienen que el vino excita a las mujeres. Le preguntaron a 798 italianas de entre 18 y 50 años en la región de Chianti, en la Toscana, y concluyeron que los componentes químicos del tinto pueden aumentar las funciones sexuales al aumentar el flujo sanguíneo hacia zonas “clave” del cuerpo.
El estudio, que fue publicado en el Journal of Sexual Medicine (Revista de Medicina Sexual), agrega que aunque la muestra fue pequeña, “hay una relación potencial entre la ingesta de vino tinto y una mejor sexualidad”. Las encuestadas fueron clasificadas en tres grupos, según su consumo diario habitual: las que tomaban entre una y dos copas de vino, las que bebían menos de una copa diaria y las abstemias.
Las que tomaban más de dos copas fueron excluidas. El resto respondió 19 preguntas orientadas a medir su “índice de funciones sexuales”, sistema usado en este clase de investigaciones científicas.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Anthony revela: “Fue hace doce años, yo estaba en Broadway. No conocía a Jennifer todavía. Ella estaba a punto de triunfar. Vino a conocerme a los camerinos. Tan pronto como entró por la puerta, yo le dije probablemente lo peor que puede decirle un hombre a una mujer, fue algo así como, ‘Tú eres mi esposa y ni siquiera lo sabes.’”
I could have figured that one out! Who doesn't like a man who helps around the house. It's only fair!

Un equipo de expertos de la Universidad de Oxford concluyó que las mujeres se sienten más atraídas por aquellos hombres que sienten las ayudarán con las tareas domésticas y con el cuidado de los niños.

Un equipo de expertos de la Universidad de Oxford concluyó que las mujeres se sienten más atraídas por aquellos hombres que sienten las ayudarán con las tareas domésticas y con el cuidado de los niños.
Daddy Yankee likes em???
Is it really worth it?
I know that everytime summertime arrives almost all women get ansy about their weight and mainly because each season skirts get shorter and swimsuits smaller. Well, here's a study done in Spain that says 40% of people who fall into a weight disorder did during summer. So sad to hear this- what many people don't realize is that those 2 week diets are dangerous for numerous reasons but worst of all, YOU GAIN ALL THE WEIGHT BACK AND MORE....Chicas there are no shortcuts. Diet and exercise is the only way!

El 40 por ciento de las personas con bulimia y anorexia cayeron en estos problemas con las llamadas ´dietas verano´, según un estudio realizado por la Fundación Anorexia Bulimia de Barcelona sobre los riesgos que conlleva este tipo de regímenes alimentarios, si se realizan sin ninguna supervisión médica.
En este sentido, el Instituto de la Obesidad recomienda seguir «una dieta personalizada aconsejada por un experto con una larga duración en el tiempo», que garantice «resultados mucho más equilibrados y saludables».
El estudio señala que una de las dietas más utilizadas para adelgazar de manera rápida es la de proteínas, que elimina prácticamente del todo los azúcares y las grasas. Al tercer día de iniciada la dieta se empieza a perder peso. Los expertos alertan de que uno de los peligros de esta dieta es el llamado ´efecto rebote´, es decir, que si no se sigue de manera estricta se pueden coger más kilos de los perdidos. Así, recomiendan consumir verduras y acompañar la dieta con ejercicio físico.

El 40 por ciento de las personas con bulimia y anorexia cayeron en estos problemas con las llamadas ´dietas verano´, según un estudio realizado por la Fundación Anorexia Bulimia de Barcelona sobre los riesgos que conlleva este tipo de regímenes alimentarios, si se realizan sin ninguna supervisión médica.
En este sentido, el Instituto de la Obesidad recomienda seguir «una dieta personalizada aconsejada por un experto con una larga duración en el tiempo», que garantice «resultados mucho más equilibrados y saludables».
El estudio señala que una de las dietas más utilizadas para adelgazar de manera rápida es la de proteínas, que elimina prácticamente del todo los azúcares y las grasas. Al tercer día de iniciada la dieta se empieza a perder peso. Los expertos alertan de que uno de los peligros de esta dieta es el llamado ´efecto rebote´, es decir, que si no se sigue de manera estricta se pueden coger más kilos de los perdidos. Así, recomiendan consumir verduras y acompañar la dieta con ejercicio físico.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
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