Hey chica...I remember reading this a couple months back on the mag and I guess they just put it up on the site....The girls at the office went crazy with it...Very good article and enjoy....I mean they alway do LOL
Even if you haven't personally experienced its power, you've heard about the G-spot: an erogenous zone located inside the vagina that can produce some pretty intense sensations. Thing is, it can also produce some intense frustration because it is, for many women, so damn elusive. And though the whole notion of the G-spot is hardly new — sex researchers have touted it for years — the medical establishment was always skeptical as to whether it really even existed.
Well, we're bringing you some great news: The G-spot is a very real part of your anatomy, newly documented in MRI scans and biopsies by medical doctors. Thanks to this new research, we now know that every chick is capable of experiencing more concentrated sexual pleasure — including powerful orgasms, says Irwin Goldstein, MD, director of sexual medicine at Alvarado Hospital, in San Diego, and editor-in-chief of the Journal of Sexual Medicine.
Here, we'll guide you to yours — yes, you will find it. Then we'll explain what to do once you're there so you can reap the blissful benefits.
What It Is, Exactly
There's some disagreement about the size of the G-spot; it may range from a quarter inch to a couple inches along the upper wall of your vagina, about an inch or two past your vaginal opening. Underneath it is highly sensitive tissue that, when touched the right way, triggers feelings of sexual happiness, explains Debby Herbenick, PhD, lead researcher and associate director of the Center for Sexual Health Promotion, at Indiana University Bloomington's School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation. G-spot sensations have been described by some women as more intense than those they feel via clitoral stimulation — more of a warm, flushing feeling that resonates deeply throughout their entire body.
Even experts who always believed in the G-spot weren't sure whether it was a distinct gland or merely the collection of nerve endings extending from the underside of the clitoris. Here's what researchers are sure of: The G is its own entity, analogous to an organ in the male body. It's known as the female prostate because its tissue surrounds an area that produces chemicals similar to those made by the male prostate, a gland that creates fluid to nourish sperm, explains Dr. Goldstein.
Another similarity between the male prostate and the G-spot: When their G is aroused, some women say they experience a wetness unlike they do during other types of stimulation. And some say they even ejaculate a clear, odorless fluid upon orgasm.
check out this link to read more http://www.cosmopolitan.com/sex-love/sex/yes-you-have-a-g-spot-0409
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