By the looks of the teeth, no hace falta dna test but even then I'm just as surprised as the next person to hear that Carlos Baute has a son. When Baute tenia 15 años tuvo un niño con una chica de 13 y al enterarse sus padres (supuestamente) se mudaron. 19 years later baby momma shows up in Spain and was like "yo bitch! colgando en tus manos is making money..waz up with child support?" okay..she probably didn't use those exact words but I'm sure it was close to that. Baute se realizó las pruebas de paternidad el pasado 15 de diciembre, para comprobar que si es realmente el padre de José Daniel, un joven venezolano que saltó a los medios el pasado año afirmando ser hijo del cantante.
Carlos agreed to help them financially but asked them to be quiet. Homeboy (meaning baute)didn't keep his side of the promise so his son started blasting him on twitter begging for help. check out the tweets here http://twitter.com/JoseArellan
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