Tuesday, September 15, 2009

single men feeling powerful women

Date.com Poll: 95.5% of Single Men Feel Powerful, Career Oriented Women are Better...

MIAMI BEACH, Fla., Sept. 15 /PRNewswire/ -- While Sarah Palin hit the campaign
trail as the Republican Vice President nominee, her husband Todd grabbed a
burp cloth and took on the role of Mr. Mom. When Angelina Jolie had to report
to the set of her latest film, it was Brad Pitt who was seen shuttling their
brood of six to and from play dates. Jerry O'Connell, Ben Affleck and even
Keith Urban have all put their careers on the back burner so that their wives,
Rebecca Romijn, Jennifer Garner and Nicole Kidman, could star in big budget,
multi-million dollar TV and movie productions. More and more of today's women
are climbing the corporate ladder and holding positions of power, while their
husbands pick up the slack on the home front. But how does the shifting of
gender roles affect a couples' relationship?

According to Hollywood, it leads to divorce, as evidenced by ABC's hit drama
Brothers & Sisters where leading characters Sarah Walker, the President of
Ojai Foods and former CEO of Greenotopia, split with her husband Joe Whedon,
whose profession as a music teacher was deemed unglamorous and low-paying.
With more and more women becoming CEO's and raking in six figured salaries,
and with more than 2 million stay at home Dad's in the United States, Date.com
(http://www.date.com), Matchmaker.com (http://www.matchmaker.com), and
Amor.com (http://www.amor.com), decided to poll its members to see how they
felt about marriage and gender roles.

The results were overwhelming, with 88.9% of men preferring to be in a
relationship with a corporate ladder climber who could significantly
contribute financially to the family. Meanwhile, 85.7% would be proud to be
married to a woman who was more successful then them, both in stature and
financially. Amazingly, women would much prefer to take a supporting role when
it comes to bringing money into the household. 85.8% would only work because
they don't believe a family can survive on one salary. A whopping 90.3% were
also concerned that their male partner couldn't handle it emotionally if they
were the ones to bring home the bacon.

In a new survey of thousands of male online daters nationwide, conducted in
the months of July and August 2009, we asked: Women today have it all -
they're driven, career oriented and successful at work while juggling their
responsibilities as wives and Mothers. When thinking about settling down,
getting married and starting a family, who would you rather marry, the
corporate ladder climber or a stay at home Mom?

Following are the complete results:

Corporate Ladder Climber: 88.9%

Stay at home Mom: 14.3%

We asked our male members the following: Who do you think is better in bed,
the corporate ladder climber or a stay at home Mom?

Following are the complete results:

Corporate Ladder Climber, because she's much more excited with her work and
that translates in bed: 95.5%


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